Genesis of a Project
In our new house, we had a hallways closet that was massive. It was very deep, and fairly wide, but had low overhead, due to the stairs passing above it. My wife had the brilliant idea to turn this into a dropzone for shoes, parcels, mail, etc. She took to Pinterest to gather ideas, and I turned it into a weekend project.
The Project Plan
Regrettably, I didn’t capture all the “design” pieces, and only have a picture of my materials list. You can get an idea of what went into the design though. I measured the space, and used good old pencil, paper, and a ruler to draw a scale-sized picture of what I wanted to build. I then got buyoff from the wife, of course.
The Final Product
We wanted the walls to be beadboard, painted white, with shelves under a benchtop, and hooks all around the top to hang things. Check out the gallery below for a step-by-step on producing this. I think it turned out quite well!